Order Extending Claims Periods
Mergens - Order Granting Final Approval, Fees and Costs
Mergens - Final Order and Judgment
UDC - Order Granting Modification
Mergens - Reply Brief ISO Final Approval and Attorneys Fees
Mergens - Birka-White Supplemental Declaration
Mergens - Rodio Supplemental Declaration
UDC - Reply Brief ISO Modification to UDC Settlement
UDC - Birka-White Reply Declaration
UDC - Frankel Reply Declaration
UDC - Rodio Reply Declaration
Joint Motion for Final Approval of Modification to UDC Settlement
Declaration of David Birka-White ISO Final Approval of Joint Motion
Declaration of Steven Frankel ISO Final Approval of Joint Motion
Declaration of Arnold Rodio ISO Final Approval of Joint Motion
Declaration of Shannon Wheatman on Notice Program
Mergens - Motion for Final Approval
Mergens - Declaration of Birka-White ISO Final Approval and Fees
Mergens - Declaration of Arnold Rodio ISO Final Approval
Mergens - Motion for Attorneys' Fees and Costs
UDC/Mergens Long Form Notice
Mergens Preliminary Approval Order
Mergens Settlement Agreement
Mergens Plan of Allocation
UDC Modification Order
UDC Proposed Modifications to Settlement Agreement
UDC Proposed Modifications to Plan of Allocation
UDC Amendment to Plan of Allocation
UDC Order Granting Attorneys' Fees
UDC Final Order Approving Settlement
UDC Settlement Agreement
UDC Plan of Allocation
UDC Long Form Notice